Do you or other event planners operate from stoic, outdated mental models that produce marginal results? Or are you interested in more highly motivating and inspirational events? This means you get results that stimulate professional development as well as prove financially successful. You can employ practices that embrace a prosperity approach rather than clinging to…
Category: education
Unlearning – An Essential Power Skill to Develop as a Project Manager
Alfonso Bucero, PhD & Randall L. Englund Introduction Learning anything in life requires an open mind. As project managers, we need to be open to new ideas. Reflect on how many assumptions, techniques, knowledge, and perceptions you have relied on that are no longer practical or relevant in today’s project world. Most of us are…
AI Article on The Complete Project Manager
As artificial intelligence is such a hot item these days, here is how describes the complete project manager: A complete project manager is a person who has the skills and experience to successfully manage all aspects of a project, from initiation to completion. This includes both the technical and soft skills necessary to lead…
Executive Eco-Guide to Improve Organizational Performance
Abstract A widespread desire to improve organizational performance may be sated by focusing on a key set of necessary and high priority actions—imperatives. An essential focus on creating excellence in people, processes, and the working environment reaps tremendous benefits and enables executives and their organizations to achieve desired objectives. Leadership skills and environmental factors provide…