My article titled: Achieving Management Commitment for Project Success has “Published” on Monday, August 14, 2017 on the Portal ProjectTimes. Below is a link to the article. It highlights the pervasive problem surrounding lack of project support from upper managers and suggests actions to take.
Category: negotiations
Are You Getting the Support You Need? Probably NOT!
In this blog post, I highlight the dismal state of upper management support for projects, then reference suggestions that would help.
Getting Others to Accept “No”
This post deals with the difficult challenge of saying “No” when the pressure is on to say “Yes.”
Opening Doors for Project Sponsors
A universal objective is to achieve better results from project-based work. Excellence in sponsorship as a major role in optimizing outcomes is a fervent belief held by colleague Alfonso Bucero, myself, and many others. Sponsor performance on many projects, however, is a very different story. A sponsor initiates, funds, and supports the project from inception…
Are You an Effective Negotiator?
Are You an Effective Negotiator? View this post to pursue this question about your skills as a negotiator. Get hints how to improve.
What is Your Political Plan?
This post highlights one chapter in our book and topic within an upcoming seminar that Alfonso Bucero and I conduct.