When confronted with a stressful or challenging situation, say “I can think differently about this.” Over the years I have invoked this phrase many times, and it has changed my life. When a harsh criticism is expressed, instead of responding defensively, say (to self) “I can think differently about this,” and say (to the other…
Category: project management
Getting Others to Accept “No”
This post deals with the difficult challenge of saying “No” when the pressure is on to say “Yes.”
A Focused Approach to Managing Opportunities and Threats in Risk Management
What is the single most important concept in your experience that facilitates risk management planning? I was asked to address this question in a webinar for the Project Management World Meetup in Silicon Valley. My purpose as an Executive Consultant, and as a seminar leader for the Project Management Institute and online university instructor, is…
Negotiating for Results
Negotiating for project success–on every project–is a worthy, necessary, and achievable goal for every professional. The only obstacle is to embrace and develop personal negotiating skills. Click here to read the blog.
Effective Stakeholder Communications
This post highlights how effective communications start with you. It summarizes our presentation at the PMI Global Congress North America in San Diego.
Think Like a Sponsor
This post helps change thinking on how to handle project sponsors.
An Organic Model for Project Environments
This post provides a model to create environments for successful projects using a non-linear framework to meet the realities of today’s workplace.
Why Train Sponsors?
To the question, Why Train Sponsors?, this post offers selling points to achieve management commitment for project success.
Driving Organizational Performance
Driving Organizational Performance On on-going quest in most all organizations is to improve performance, especially on project-based work. It takes a concerted effort to make improvements, not just depending on accidents, luck, or wishful thinking. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/driving-organizational-performance-randall-randy-englund?trk=prof-post
Opening Doors for Project Sponsors
A universal objective is to achieve better results from project-based work. Excellence in sponsorship as a major role in optimizing outcomes is a fervent belief held by colleague Alfonso Bucero, myself, and many others. Sponsor performance on many projects, however, is a very different story. A sponsor initiates, funds, and supports the project from inception…
Understanding Difficult People and Situations
Click on the image to read about assessing “set points” as a means to understand and deal with difficult people and situations.
Operating Across Organizations
Click on the image to see a process for operating across organizational boundaries–such as functions, organizations, or geographies–where you need to influence without authority.